英语个人自我介绍1Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.
Before my speech,I'd like to show my gratitude to the service and sacrifice of English Union. Thank you for offering me such a fabulous opportunity to e_change with other English lovers. My name is Yang Longbo,a boy majoring in Automation in Chang'an University. My favorite motto is “Follow your heart”. Former CEO of Apple Steve Jobs once said," If you live each day as if it were the last,you'll certainly be right.",which made a deep impression on me. He has used hi ……此处隐藏1133个字……te teachers, the school received an oral notice,I harbored feelings reluctantly and quietly left the school.
Today, I would like to re-e_amination by the aspirations of the rostrum is so urgent! My family a total of three sisters, two sisters who work, in order to take care of the elderly parents, I have to stay around them. I have held a shop, first operational craft, then garments. But no matter how the business is handy, when a teacher is always glorious people yearn for and I would like to make every effort to pursue life-long career. I have to take the test several times, but for various reasons are unable to realize their dreams, but I secretly determined, given the chance, I have been test continue until the ideal realized.